Analysis and Thoughts on the Technical Review of Chemical Drug Reregistrationin Shandong Province
中文关键词: 化学药品  药品再注册  技术审查  问题  建议
英文关键词: chemical drug  drug re-registration  technical review  problems  suggestions
侯瑾 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
董爱梅 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
李德宝 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
肖连立 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
杨帆 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
徐晓娟 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
刘军田 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
武海军 山东省食品药品审评查验中心济南 250014 
摘要点击次数: 420
全文下载次数: 517
      Objective: To analyze the problems existing in the drug re-registration work in ShandongProvince and put forward relevant suggestions, so as to provide technical reference for promoting the scientificstandardization of drug re-registration work and improving the review and approval efficiency of drug reregistrationwork. Methods: Based on the current laws and regulations of drug re-registration in China, theinvestigation of 50 chemical manufacturers in Shandong Province and the situation of drug re-registration inShandong Province in recent years, the technical review of chemical drugs (preparations and raw materials)re-registration in Shandong Province was discussed and analyzed. Results and Conclusion: In the drug reregistrationworks in Shandong Province, there were mainly problems such as the lack of close connection withthe reevaluation of listed drugs, the untraceable process of drug approval, and the centralized deadline declarationof approval document number. It is suggested that measures such as unifying technical review standards,deepening the management of conditional approval of listed drugs, optimizing the management of re-registrationcycle, and strengthening the main responsibility of enterprises can better play the role of post-listing supervisionof drug re-registration.
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