Analysis on Implementation Effect of Volume-based Procurement Policy of Hubei Chinese Patent Medicine Inter-provincial Alliance of Luoyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
中文关键词: 中成药  带量采购  中医院  执行效果
英文关键词: Chinese patent medicine  volume-based procurement  Chinese medicine hospital  eff ect of execution
蔡梦鸽 洛阳市中医院洛阳 471000 
王文杰 洛阳市中医院洛阳 471000 
摘要点击次数: 413
全文下载次数: 170
      Objective: To analyze the use status and policy implementation of Chinese patent medicine in Luoyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital since the implementation of the Hubei Chinese Patent Medicine inter-provincial alliance with volume-based procurement policy, so as to provide references for the next step to promote the implementation of the national centralized procurement policy of Chinese patent medicine. Methods: The pharmacoeconomic methods were used to retrospectively analyze the changes in data such as the use of related Chinese patent medicine, Defi ned Daily Doses (DDDs) and Defi ned Daily Dose Cost (DDC) before and after the implementation of the volume-based procurement policy of Hubei Chinese patent medicine in Luoyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, as well as the completion of the agreed purchase quantity. Results: Among the 5 varieties involved in volume-based procurement of Hubei Chinese Patent Medicine interprovincial alliance in the hospital, the DDDs of Kangfuxin solution, Bailing Tablet and Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection increased after volume-based procurement, and the highest increase was Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection,which was 39.13%, the DDDs of Xuesaitong and Xueshuantong decreased after volume-based procurement, and the decrease of unselected varieties was about 90%. The DDC of Bailing tablets and Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection increased, while that of other varieties decreased. Except Xueshuantong, other varieties had completed the agreed purchase quantity, and the purchase quantity was consistent with the usage. Conclusion: The implementation of the procurement policy of Chinese patent medicine in the Hubei inter-provincial alliance has achieved certain eff ects, reducing the burden of medication for patients and medical insurance expenditure. In the next step, it is necessary to continuously explore and improve the management method of volume-based procurement of Chinese patent medicine, so as to make full preparations for the implementation of the national centralized volume-based procurement policy of Chinese patent medicine.
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