Analysis and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Chrysanthemum
中文关键词: 菊花  农药残留  风险评估  点评估  风险排序
英文关键词: Chrysanthemum  pesticide residues  risk assessment  point evaluation  risk ranking
基金项目:国家药品监督管理局重要质量研究与评价重点实验室开放课题(编号 GB2763-2021)
刘芫汐 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
李海亮 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
王莹 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
金红宇 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
马双成 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
摘要点击次数: 560
全文下载次数: 190
      目的:对菊花中278种农药及代谢产物进行测定,筛查菊花中应重点监控的农药指标,为菊花中农药最大残留限量值的制订提供参考,并对检出农药开展膳食暴露评估,为菊花的安全用药提供参考。 方法:采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS/MS)和液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS/MS)法对78批次菊花中禁用、 常用农药及有毒理学意义的代谢产物共计278种指标进行检测;采用点评估的方式对菊花中高检出率 (检出率大于15%)农药的急性、慢性风险进行评价,同时采用风险排序矩阵计算高检出农药风险得分并排序。结果:78批次菊花共检出农药71种,包括3种禁用农药(甲拌磷、克百威、氟虫腈),其中24 种农药检出率大于15.0%。高检出率农药的急性和慢性膳食摄入风险均可接受。根据风险得分可将24种农药划分为3类,高风险农药4种、中风险农药7种、低风险农药13种。结论:部分批次菊花中有禁用农药检出,《中华人民共和国药典》(2020年版)增加禁用农药残留量检查对于保证菊花品种的药用安全性是必要且及时的。菊花中检出农药品种较多,建议加快菊花种植中实际使用农药品种的登记,以规范生产。
      Objective: To determine 278 kinds of pesticides and metabolites in Chrysanthemum, screen the pesticide indicators that should be monitored in Chrysanthemum, so as to provide references for the formulation of maximum residue limits of pesticides in Chrysanthemum, and carry out the dietary exposure assessment of the detected pesticides, so as to provide references for the safe drug use in Chrysanthemum. Methods: A total of 278 indicators of banned, commonly used pesticides and metabolites with toxicological significance in 78 batches of Chrysanthemum were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS); the acute and chronic risks of highly detected pesticides (the detection rate was more than 15%) in Chrysanthemum were evaluated by point assessment, and the risk ranking matrix was used to calculate and rank the risk scores of highly detected pesticides. Results: 71 pesticides were detected in 78 batches of Chrysanthemum, including 3 banned pesticides (phorate, carbofuran and fl ufenitrile), of which 24 pesticides were detected with a rate of more than 15.0%. The acute and chronic dietary intake risks of pesticides with high detection rate were acceptable. According to the risk score, 24 pesticides could be divided into 3 categories, including 4 high-risk pesticides, 7 medium-risk pesticides and 13 low-risk pesticides. Conclusion: Banned pesticides are detected in some batches of Chrysanthemums. It is necessary and timely to increase the inspection of banned pesticide residues to ensure the medicinal safety of Chrysanthemum in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2020 Edition). There are many kinds of pesticides varieties detected in Chrysanthemum. It is suggested to speed up the registration of pesticides varieties actually used in Chrysanthemum planting in order to standardize production.
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