Analysis of Important Factors about Quality Control of Raw Materials and Stock Solution of mRNA Vaccines for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases
中文关键词: 预防传染病  mRNA疫苗  世界卫生组织  质量控制  要点分析
英文关键词: infectious diseases  mRNA vaccine  WHO  quality control  analysis of key points
孙巍 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
佟乐 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
杨亚莉 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
王一平 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
杨振 中国食品药品检定研究院北京 102629 
摘要点击次数: 546
全文下载次数: 210
      Objective: To provide references for the quality control of such products in China by combing and summarizing the key points of quality control of raw materials and stock solution of mRNA vaccines for preventing infectious diseases. Methods: By combing the World Health Organization (WHO)and relevant standards and review agencies on the quality control guidance documents for raw materials and stock solution of mRNA vaccine for prevention of infectious diseases, and related regulatory guidelines and literature, the key quality control attributes and related requirements of raw materials and stock solution of mRNA vaccines for the prevention of infectious diseases were summarized. Results and Conclusion: As a new biological product, the nucleic acid structure of mRNA vaccines and the characteristics of liposome encapsulated preparations determined the quality control characteristics of this vaccine. Sequence and integrity, quantity and purity, percentage capping and percentage encapsulation were the key quality parameters unique to mRNA vaccines, which determined effi cacy and safety. Establishing multiple quality control points and detection methods related to mRNA characteristics from the preparation stage of raw materials and stock solution will help ensure the safety, eff ectiveness, and controllable quality of mRNA vaccines for preventing infectious diseases.
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