Exploration and Inspiration on the Current Situation of PharmacovigilanceSystem Construction in the Foreign Countries
中文关键词: 欧盟  美国  韩国  日本  医疗机构  药物警戒  体系建设
英文关键词: the European Union  the United States  South Korea  Japan  medical agencies  pharmacovigilance  system construction
基金项目:福建省药品监督管理局科技项目(编号 2022006)
林翼旻 福建省药品审评与监测评价中心福州 350003 
张纾 福建省药品审评与监测评价中心福州 350003 
张玲萍 福建省药品审评与监测评价中心福州 350003 
黄榕珍 福建省药品审评与监测评价中心福州 350003 
摘要点击次数: 921
全文下载次数: 290

Objective: To explore the current situation of pharmacovigilance system construction in the European

Union, the United States, South Korea, Japan, and China, and to provide suggestions and references for the

construction of pharmacovigilance system in medical agencies in China. Methods: The current situation of

pharmacovigilance system construction in the European Union, the United States, South Korea, and Japan was

analyzed, and the construction of pharmacovigilance system in medical agencies in China was compared with that.

The suggestions for pharmacovigilance construction in medical agencies in China were put forward. Results and

Conclusion: Pharmacovigilance is an important aspect of drug safety supervision, which runs through the entire

lifecycle of drugs. China should fully utilize the advantages of the main reporting channel of medical agencies,

establish a pharmacovigilance system of medical agencies with Chinese characteristics, and strengthen risk

monitoring and early warning to promote safe use of drugs in clinical settings.

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