Exploration on Management Attributes and Scientific Management of Chinese Herbal Medicines
中文关键词: 中药材  中药饮片  科学监管  管理属性  协同治理
英文关键词: Chinese herbal medicines  Chinese herbal decoction pieces  scientifi c management  management attributes  collaborative management
基金项目:中国药品监督管理研究会研究课题项目(编号 BUCM-2023-KJ-GL-008);国家药品监督管理局中国药品监管科学行动计划第二批重点项目(编号国药监科外〔2021〕37号);北京中医药大学纵向科研发展基金支持
罗卫花 北京中医药大学管理学院北京 100029 
徐敢 北京中医药大学管理学院北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 110
全文下载次数: 70
      Objective: To clarify the management attributes and scientific connotation of Chinese herbal medicines, and to explore the scientific management and high-quality development path of Chinese herbal medicines. Methods: Through literature analysis and practical cases study, the management attributes and problems existing in supervision of Chinese herbal medicines are clarified, and the regulatory paths and methods of Chinese herbal medicines are discussed in combination with questionnaire survey. Results and Conclusion: Chinese herbal medicines have multiple identities in practice, and the attributes of Chinese herbal medicines are not clearly defined in laws and regulations. Therefore, separate regulations on the management of Chinese herbal medicines should be established to clarify the attributes of Chinese herbal medicines. Regarding the universality and particularity of Chinese herbal medicines use, it is suggested to scientifically defi ne Chinese herbal medicines from the perspective of life cycle and strengthen the collaborative management of Chinese herbal medicines. At the same time, scientific classification management of Chinese herbal medicines should be carried out to ensure the safety of people's medication and promote the scientific management of Chinese herbal medicines.
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