廖学强,叶耀辉.基于多源流理论视角的网售处方药监管政策变迁分析[J].中国药事,2024,38(9):979-985 |
基于多源流理论视角的网售处方药监管政策变迁分析 |
Analysis of Regulatory Policy Changes for Online Sales of Prescription Drugs based on Multiple-Streams Theory |
投稿时间:2023-12-20 |
DOI:10.16153/j.1002-7777.20231083 |
中文关键词: 多源流理论 网售处方药 药品销售 监管 政策变迁 |
英文关键词: multiple-streams theory online sales of prescription drugs drug sales supervision policy change |
基金项目:江西省高水平本科教学团队项目“中医药创新思维与实践”(编号 2003/225201011) |
摘要点击次数: 362 |
全文下载次数: 147 |
中文摘要: |
目的:分析我国网售处方药监管政策的变迁逻辑,为政策的优化提供参考。方法:通过对我国网售处方药监管政策进行梳理,基于多源流理论,从问题、政策和政治三条源流以及政策之窗的开启角度剖析我国网售处方药监管政策变迁历程。结果:我国网售处方药监管政策经历了全面禁止、曲折探索和审慎放开3个时期。研究发现,多源流理论对我国网售处方药监管政策具有较强的解释力,政治源流是推动问题进入政策议程的关键因素。结论:在多源流分析过程中发现我国网售处方药监管政策存在问题识别滞后性、政策方案同质性等问题,未来要从强化问题反馈、协同制定政策、完善利益表达机制等方面加以改进。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To analyze the logic of changes in regulatory policies for online sales of prescription drugs, which could provide references for policy optimization. Methods: The regulatory policies for online sales of prescription drugs in China were reviewed, and based on the multiple-streams theory, the evolution of regulatory policies for online sales of prescription drugs in China was analyzed from the perspectives of three streams: problems, policies, and politics, as well as the opening of policy windows. Results: China's regulatory policies for online sales of prescription drugs had gone through three periods: comprehensive prohibition, tortuous exploration, and prudent opening up. Research had found that the multiple-streams theory had strong explanatory power for the regulatory policies of online sales of prescription drugs in China, political streams were a key factor driving issues into the policy agenda. Conclusion: In the process of multiple-streams analysis, it is found that there are problems with the identification lag and homogeneity of policy proposals in China's regulatory policies for online sales of prescription drugs. In the future, improvements should be made in strengthening problem feedback, coordinating policy formulation, and improving the mechanism for expressing interests. |
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