Study on the Impact of Drug-price Monitoring and Management Policy on Medical Institutions based on Cross-sectional Survey
投稿时间:2024-06-06  修订日期:2024-08-14
中文关键词: 药品价格监测  问卷调查  医疗机构  “红黄绿”药品价格监测政策  处方行为
英文关键词: drug price monitoring  questionnaire survey  medical institution  Red-Yellow-Green Price Monitoring Policy  prescribing behavior
唐弦 四川大学华西药学院 610041
王静翠 四川大学华西药学院 
何昆 四川省药械招标采购服务中心 
常壤丹 四川省药械招标采购服务中心 
武志昂 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院 
唐晓蓉 四川省药械招标采购服务中心 
胡明* 四川大学华西药学院 610041
摘要点击次数: 75
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      Objective: To investigate the current situation of the medical institutions to implement the monitoring and control drug prices, understanding the awareness and attitudes of healthcare professionals towards Red-Yellow-Green monitoring and other pharmaceutical price regulation measures, for reference of standardizing and improving drug price monitoring and management. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in the sample medical institutions, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant personnel. On the basis of descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis was conducted on the implementation differences of medical institutions at different levels. Results: A total of 370 valid questionnaires were collected from 25 medical institutions. 76.8% of the respondents believed that the current drug prices showed a stable to declining trend, and the perception of tertiary medical institutions was greater than that of secondary medical institutions (P=0.034) and lower than that of secondary medical institutions (P=0.005). Medical staff generally believed that the drug price regulation policy had a certain impact on their prescription behavior, mainly affecting the proportion of drug proportion (n=323, 87.3%), centralized bulk-buying (n=294, 79.5%) and basic drugs (n=294, 79.5%). Clinical effect (n=178, 48.1%) and drug price (n=147, 39.7%) were the priority factors for medical staff to prescribe.The interviews showed that the drug management personnel of medical institutions did not have a proper understanding of the Red-Yellow-Green Price Monitoring Policy, and some medical institutions had not established a complete and transparent internal management system. Conclusion: The drug price control policy is effective in medical institutions. However, the complexity of different drug regulatory policies has a certain limiting effect on doctors" prescribing behavior. It is suggested that different policies should be well coordinated and refined, medical institutions should establish a transparent price monitoring system, and strengthen the training of medical staff.
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