Research Ⅱ on the Changes of Sponsors and Production Sites during the ClinicalResearch Phase of Drugs: The Enlightenment of EU Requirements for DrugClinical Trials and Change Management during Clinical Trials on ImprovingChina's Regulatory System
中文关键词: 临床试验  变更管理  申办者变更  生产场地变更  药品监管
英文关键词: clinical trial  change management  sponsor change  production site change  drug administration
基金项目:中国药品监督管理研究会委托亦弘商学院开展的“我国临床研究阶段申办者和生产场地变更研究”课题(编号 2021-Y-Y-22)
王宏扬 阿斯利康全球研发中国中心北京 100176 
陈江鹏 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院北京 100055 
顾瑶华 苏州工业园区药品管理中心苏州 215127 
芦臣书 百济神州(北京)生物科技有限公司北京 100022 
夏雨 扬子江药业集团上海海路生物技术有限公司上海 201203 
连志荣 阿斯利康全球研发中国中心北京 100176 
吴正宇 诺和诺德(上海)医药贸易有限公司上海 200131 
摘要点击次数: 689
全文下载次数: 352
      Objective: To provide reference through comparative research and analysis of regulations,for improving China's drug clinical trials and change management during clinical trials, especially for thesponsor change or production site change, and their change management during clinical trials. Methods: Theregulatory requirements and implementation of European Union(EU) drug clinical trial applications and changemanagement during clinical trials were collected and studied. Suggestions were provided by comparing themwith the present regulatory framework and situation of China. Results and Conclusion: In EU, the clinical trialsponsors and clinical trial drug production sites are allowed to apply for registration and change of clinical trialsboth domestically and internationally. The EU clinical trial regulatory system is relatively mature and completewhich are of reference value to China, such as a unifi ed clinical trial application portal website and clinical trialinformation database, an integrated system of scientifi c and ethical in parallel review procedures, the qualifi cationand responsibility for the sponsors and their legally designated representatives, and measures of supervision andrisk control for production sites of investigational drugs as well as their changes.
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