Analysis of Storage and Maintenance Defective Items in Drug WholesaleEnterprises under the Supervision and Inspection of GSP in Henan Province
中文关键词: 药品批发企业  监督检查  缺陷项目  储存  养护  养护人员
英文关键词: drug wholesale enterprises  supervision and inspection  defective items  storage  maintenance  drugstorage and maintenance practitioners
基金项目:河南省软科学研究项目(编号 222400410047);河南省市场监督管理局科技计划项目(编号 2022SJ76)
王雯丽 河南省药品审评查验中心郑州 450000 
刘淡宜 郑州大学药学院郑州 450001 
赵小磊 河南省药品审评查验中心郑州 450000 
肖皓祥 河南省药品审评查验中心郑州 450000 
李琼 河南省药品审评查验中心郑州 450000 
曹琳琳 河南省药品审评查验中心郑州 450000 
刘伟 郑州大学药学院郑州 450001 
摘要点击次数: 434
全文下载次数: 261
      Objective: To provide suggestions for drug wholesale enterprises to carry out storage and maintenancework in a standardized manner by analyzing the common issues in the storage and maintenance process during thesupervision and inspection of GSP of drug wholesale enterprises in Henan Province from 2020 to 2022. Methods:The defi ciencies of drug wholesale enterprises under the supervision and inspection of GSP in Henan Provincefrom 2020 to 2022 were summarized, the correlation between each defective item and the defective items underthe storage and maintenance chapter was found by Apriori algorithm, and the problems in the chapter on drugstorage and maintenance were statistically analyzed, and suggestions were put forward. Results: Storage andmaintenance defective items had the highest frequency among defects in drug wholesale enterprises, with majordefective item *08308 and general defective item 08405 occurred more frequently and accounted for a larger proportion, the correlation between general defective items 06501, 08305 and 04603 needed to be taken seriously.Conclusion: Drug wholesale enterprises should strengthen their sense of main responsibility, strengthen personneljob training, establish and improve quality management systems, and carry out business activities with the help ofscientifi c and technological norms. Drug storage and maintenance practitioners should enhance legal awareness,abide by professional ethics, thus better ensure drug quality and safety, and promote the sustained and healthydevelopment of the drug distribution industry.
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