Data Analysis and Alerts of Unqualified Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui from DrugSampling Based on NMPA Drug Quality Announcement
中文关键词: 药品抽检  藿香正气水  项目  不合格  批次
英文关键词: drug sampling  Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui  items  unqualifi ed  batche
基金项目:中央高水平医院临床科研业务费资助(编号 2022-PUMCH-B-060)
张翠莲 中国医学科学院北京协和医院北京 100730 
许婷婷 中国医学科学院北京协和医院北京 100730 
安鹏姣 中国医学科学院北京协和医院北京 100730 
接恒博 中国医学科学院北京协和医院北京 100730 
左玮 中国医学科学院北京协和医院北京 100730 
摘要点击次数: 566
全文下载次数: 224
      Objective: To summarize and analyze the unqualifi ed information of Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui releasedby the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) from 2017 to 2022, identify the main problems, andprovide reference for promoting high-quality development and improving drug safety. Methods: Log in to theinterface of “National drug sampling database” on the NMPA official website, and search using the keywordHuoxiang Zhengqi Shui. Then, information was extracted and categorized by production batch number, inspectionbasis, unqualified items, label manufacturer (source, place of origin), sampling type and sampling source, etc.The proportion is calculated for data of unqualified items and batches, some suggestions are put forward byanalysis. Results: The 35 batches products of 43 items unqualifi ed information was released from 2017 to 2022.These unqualified products were from 20 pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in 11 provinces or cities.The number of unqualifi ed batches (11 batches) in 2020-2022 decreased by 52.2% compared with that in 2017-2019 (23 batches). Among the 43 items, the proportion of items for samples extracted from social pharmacies,drug manufacturers, business enterprises and hospitals was 37.2%, 27.9%, 20.9%and 14.0%, respectively. The 43items for drug sampling were covered from supply chain in 12 provinces and cities, including 38 items (88.34%)provincial-level drug sampling and 5 items (11.6%) of national sampling. Among the 35 batches unqualifiedproducts, the Proportion of unqualified batches of Minimum Fill, Content of Ethanol, Content of Methanol,Microbial Limit Test and Assay was 40.0%, 28.6%, 20.0%, 5.7% and 25.7%, respectively. In particular, therewere 7 batches of unqualifi ed “Content of Methanol” released by NMPA in the 2022, and there were 9 batchesof unqualifi ed Assay from 2017 to 2019. Among the 9 batches unqualifi ed Assay, the Proportion of MinimumFill+Assay and Ethanol+Assay was 33.3% and 44.4% respectively. Conclusion: The overall quality of HuoxiangZhengqi Shui is gradually improving. Although the number of unqualifi ed batches and items were reduced from2020 to 2022, it is suggested that manufacturing enterprises should continue to strengthen quality tracking andinternal quality control based on risk of Minimum Fill, Content of Ethanol, and business enterprises shouldimprove the management of drug transportation and storage process to avoid product damage. It is suggested fordrug regulatory authorities to further expand Sampling supervision to ensure the quality of public medication.
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