On the Predicament and Outlet of the Legal System of Restricting Employment in the Field of Drug Supervision
中文关键词: 药品监管  法律责任  行政处罚  限制从业  制度完善
英文关键词: drug supervision  legal responsibility  administrative penalty  restriction of employment  system consummation
李桥 都江堰市市场监督管理局,都江堰 611830 
摘要点击次数: 714
全文下载次数: 332
      Objective:By sorting out the legal norms of restricted employment in the pharmaceutical field and the implementation of the legal system by law enforcement agencies in practice, analyzing the characteristics of the norms and the problems existing in specific implementation, and combining with practical experience, to put forward corresponding suggestions for improvement, so as to provide the reference basis for law enforcement officials to apply the system. Methods: To summarize the existing laws and regulations related to the restriction of pharmaceutical practice, analyze the characteristics and existing problems. Interviews were conducted with the staff of regulatory departments and drug manufacturers to understand the implementation situation and difficulties of the system. Results and Conclusion: As a new kind of legal liability system,The debarment system in the drug field still has many legal problems in the construction and practical application of relevant systems, such as imperfect legal norms, unclear applicable standards, imperfect procedural mechanisms, and unsmooth relief channels. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the rationality of the system and the legal effectiveness. On the basis of existing legislation pattern, the system should be effectively implemented by improving the basis of the restricted practice norms, clarifying the applicable standards, perfecting the operation procedures and unblocking the relief channels.
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