The Transmission Inheritance of Varieties and Evolution of Origins of Tibetan Medicine "Dida" and Mongolian Medicine "Digeda"
中文关键词: 藏药“蒂达”  蒙药“地格达”  品种传承  基原嬗进
英文关键词: Tibetan medicine “Dida”  Mongolian medicine “Digeda”  transmission inheritance of varieties  evolution of origin
基金项目:青海省基础研究项目(编号 2020-ZJ747)
刘海青 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
祝艳年 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
刘学良 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
韩达斌 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
陈鹏 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
俞雅琼 青海省食品药品监督管理局食品药品审评中心,西宁 810007 
摘要点击次数: 554
全文下载次数: 2
      目的:藏药“蒂达”和蒙药“地格达”同宗同源,是一类治疗肝胆疾病的常用藏蒙药品种的总称,对其进行品种、基原的梳理,以期阐明各自的品种传承与基原嬗进。方法:查阅藏蒙药经典文献并进行药用植物基原调查。结果:藏药“蒂达”和蒙药“地格达”原植物涉及龙胆科 Gentianaceae獐牙菜属Swertia、肋柱花属Lomatogonium、花锚属Halenia、扁蕾属Gentianopsis、喉毛花属Comastoma、假龙胆属Gentianella、龙胆属Gentiana、百金花属Centaurium,虎耳草科Saxifragaceae虎耳草属Saxifraga、 梅花草属Parnassia,堇菜科Violaceae堇菜属Viola,豆科Leguminosae米口袋属Gueldenstaedtia,罂粟科 Papaveraceae紫堇属Corydalis,石竹科Caryophyllaceae卷耳属Cerastium,唇形科Labiatae薄荷属Mentha, 菊科Compositae异型菊属Leibnitzia,以及十字花科Brassicaceae糖芥属Erysimum等9科17属101种8变种植物。结论:藏药“蒂达”和蒙药“地格达”各品种以及基原植物科属种虽然繁杂,但各自品种传承有序,基原嬗进关系明确,所用的各品种与藏蒙药经典记载、不同藏蒙地域药用植物分布以及临床用药经验等密切相关。
      Objective: The Tibetan medicine “Dida” and Mongolian medicine “Digeda” are of the same origin. They are the general names of a kind of commonly used Tibetan and Mongolian medicines to for the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases. This thesis collected , analyzed and sorted out the varieties and the origins, in order to clarify the respective varietal heritage and the transmutation and evolution of origins of Tibetan medicine “Dida” and Mongolian medicine “Digeda”. Methods: The classical literature of Tibetan and Mongolian medicine was referred to and the medicinal plants base source were investigated. Resuluts: The original plants of Tibetan medicine “Dida” and Mongolian medicine “Digeda” were found totally 9 families, 17 genera, 101 species and 8 varieties, namely Gentianaceae (Swertia, Lonatogonium, Halenia, Gentianopsis,Comastoma, Gentianella, Gentiana, Centaurium), Saxifragaceae (Saxifraga, Parnassia), Violaceae (Viola), Leguminosae (Gurldensteadtia), Papaveraceae (Corydalis), Caryophyllaceae (Cerastium), Labiatae(Mentha), Compositae (Leibnintzia) and Brassicaceae (Erysimum). Conclusion: Although the medicinal plants base source of Tibetan medicine “Dida” and Mongolian medicine “Digeda” are multifarious, the breed inheritance and basic source relation are clear. The used varieties are closely related to the classical records of Tibetan and Mongolian medicine literature , the distribution of medicinal plants in different Tibetan and Mongolian regions, and the clinical experience of drug use etc.
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