Prescription Analysis for Chinese Patent Medicines in Pediatric Outpatient Department of Beijing Shijitan Hospital in 2019
中文关键词: 中成药  儿科用药  处方点评  合理用药  处方分析
英文关键词: Chinese patent medicines  pediatric medication  prescription review  rational drug use  prescription analysis
刘敏 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
田佳懿 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
刘俊丽 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
年宏蕾 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
段松冷 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
刘炜 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 630
全文下载次数: 124
      目的:调查分析中成药在北京世纪坛医院儿科门诊的使用情况,为促进中成药的合理使用提供参考,保障临床用药安全。方法:抽取2019年儿科门诊中成药共3600张(每月300张),进行回顾性点评与分析。结果:在3600张点评处方中,共使用了28个中成药,其中儿童专用中成药仅有4个,占比14.29%; 其中合格处方为3387张,不合格处方为213张,处方合格率为94.08%;常见的不合理处方表现为适应症不适宜、用法用量不适宜、重复用药等。结论:分析结果显示,儿科门诊口服中成药存在不合理使用情况,建议加强对西医临床医师应用中成药的理论知识培训,提高药房一线中药师的处方点评能力,严格执行处方点评制度,提高处方质量,保障患者用药安全。
      Objective: To investigate the use of oral Chinese patent medicines in the pediatric outpatient department of our hospital in order to provide references for the rational use of Chinese patent medicines and ensure the safety of clinical medication. Methods: A total of 3600 prescriptions (300 pieces monthly) for Chinese patent medicines in the pediatric outpatient department of our hospital in 2019 were selected for retrospective review and analysis. Result: Among 3600 prescriptions, 28 Chinese patent medicines were used, of which only 4 types were Chinese patent medicines specially for children, accounting for 14.29%. Among them, 3387 were qualified prescriptions, 213 were unqualified prescriptions, and the prescription eligibility rate was 94.08%. The main problems for unreasonable prescriptions include inappropriate indications, inappropriate usage and dosage, and repeated medications. Conclusion: There are irrational uses of oral Chinese patent medicines in our pediatric outpatient department. It is recommended to continuously strengthen the theoretical training for western medicine clinicians in the application of Chinese patent medicines, improve the prescription review ability of traditional Chinese pharmacists in pharmacies, strictly implement the prescription review system, improve the quality of prescription and ensure the safety of patient medications.
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