Exploration of Drug Production Supervision under the Background of Institutional ReformJin Jianwen1(Henan Province Food and Drug Evaluation and Inspection Center, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
投稿时间:2020-09-19  修订日期:2021-03-08
中文关键词: 机构改革  药品生产  监管  问题  思路  建议
英文关键词: Institutional Reform  Drug Production  Supervision  Problems  Ideas  Suggestions
金建闻* 河南省食品药品审评查验中心 450000
摘要点击次数: 385
全文下载次数: 0
      Objective: To explore and analyze the common problems existing in drug production supervision under the background of institutional reform, and put forward ideas and suggestions for drug production supervision. Methods: To investigate the reform methods, number of dispatched agencies, staffing levels and existing problems of national provincial drug regulatory agencies, summarize and analyze the research results and put forward suggestions for current drug production supervision. Results and Conclusion: According to investigation, the provincial drug regulators during the period of institutional reform are faced with problems such as weak regulatory power, low efficiency, insufficient professionals. The question of incomplete national regulatory policy remains. The corporate compliance consciousness remains to be strengthened. It is suggested that supervisory departments should speed up the improvement of working mechanism and process, gradually establish a team of professional and professional inspectors, strengthen the service and training of enterprises, improve supervisory policies, adopt the concept of risk supervision, effectively utilize the limited supervisory resources, and implement precise and efficient supervision.
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