Informatization helps hospital to effectively implement the
投稿时间:2020-08-18  修订日期:2021-01-06
中文关键词: 信息化  集采药品监测体系  约定用量顺利落实
英文关键词: : informatization  national centralized procurement drug monitoring system  the agreed consumption is successfully implemented
基金项目:医院药品综合性评价体系建立及应用 (2019)科技字(1871)号
李旭东 吉林大学中日联谊医院 130033
李忻 吉林大学中日联谊医院 
于倩 吉林大学中日联谊医院 
关丽英* 吉林大学中日联谊医院 130033
摘要点击次数: 352
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      目的 探索通过信息化手段,保障“4+7”带量采购药品约定用量的有效落实,引导医师、患者优先选择集采药品,为集采工作的有序开展提供有力的数据支撑。方法 利用信息化管理理念与手段搭建集采药品监测体系,从医院信息系统中收集2020年1-9月及2019年同期通用名相同的集采药品及非中选药品使用情况,对比分析政策执行前后的药品销售金额、次均药费、医保资金支出药费、医保次均药费及药占比等相关数据指标,评价实践效果。结果 自搭建监测体系后,截止到2020年9月,第一批集采药品(共计20种),已完成约定用量的149.42%,其中有18个品种已超额完成约定用量;对通用名相同的集采药品及非中选药品同期数据进行比较分析,药品总费用、次均药费、医保资金支出药费、医保次均药费均有大幅下降;医院整体药占比由29.15%降至23.53%。结论 我院医院基于信息化手段搭建集采药品监测体系,为其用量得以顺利落实提供支持,值得推广。
      Objective : To ensure the implementation of agreed usage of the drugs purchased centrally by the state and to guide physicians and patients to preferentially select drugs purchased centrally by the state by means of informatization,so as to provide strong data support for the orderly development of centralized procurement work。Methods: Using the concept and means of information management to build a centralized drug purchase monitoring system, establish information priority prompt function to remind in advance; the use of centralized purchase drugs and non selected drugs with the same common name from January to September 2020 and the same period in 2019 were collected from the hospital information system, and the relevant data indicators such as drug sales amount, average drug cost per time, medical insurance fund expenditure, average drug cost per time and proportion of drug cost before and after the implementation of the policy were compared and analyzed to evaluate the practice effect.Results: After establishing the centralized purchasing drug monitoring system, as of September 2020, In the first batch of centralized purchasing drugs (20 varieties in total), 149.42% of the agreed dosage has been completed, of which 18 varieties have exceeded the agreed dosage;through comparative analysis of the data of non-elected drugs with the same general name of centralized purchasing drugs and those with the same generic name, the total drug cost, average drug cost per time, medical insurance fund expenditure and medical insurance per time drug cost have decreased significantly; the proportion of the hospital's overall drugs has decreased from 29.15% to 23.53%.Conclusion: The hospital uses information technology to build a national centralized drug monitoring system to provide support for the smooth implementation of its agreed usage. It is worth promoting.
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