Analysis of Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations in Medical Institutes of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals of Liuan City from 2014 to 2016
中文关键词: 医疗机构中药制剂  用药分析  使用情况  产业结构  价格核定  创新研发  纳入医保  合理用药
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine preparations in medical institutes  analysis of medication  application  industrial structure  price approval  innovative research and development  medical insurance  rational drug use
戴春光 六安市中医院, 六安 237006 
林腾 铜陵市义安区食品药品监督管理局, 铜陵 244105 
摘要点击次数: 1328
全文下载次数: 713
      Objective:To analyze the application of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in medical institutes of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals from 2014 to 2016, evaluate the importance of its existence, and put forward suggestions for future development. Methods:Traditional Chinese medicine preparations in our hospital from 2014 to 2016 were analyzed by using the hospital information system. Results:Traditional Chinese medicine preparations were largely used in our hospital and the sales amount accounted for significant proportion from 2014 to 2016. The top five preparations were as follows:Shiweishufengtongqiao granules, Guishaomingmu granules, Shiweilishi granules, Qiguitongluo granules, and Fuzhengpaidu granules. However, the proportion of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in the total drugs is low and its application needs to be improved. Conclusion:The traditional Chinese medicine preparations in medical institutes are still in need. In order to better develop the traditional Chinese medicine preparations, the industrial structure should be optimized and support for traditional TCM preparations should be enhanced. Its reasonable price should be approved and its importance should be emphasized. New preparations should be developed by using new technologies to improve the research level of the traditional Chinese medicine preparations. The traditional Chinese medicine preparations should be included in the scope of medical insurance to increase the use rate. Measures should be taken to promote the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine preparations.
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