Consistency Evaluation of Drugs from the Perspective of Quality Management
中文关键词: 一致性评价  仿制药  质量管理  药品生产质量管理规范
英文关键词: consistency evaluation  generic drug  quality management  good manufacturing practice
沈启雯 中国药科大学, 南京 210009  
梁毅 中国药科大学, 南京 210009 ly606@sohu.com 
摘要点击次数: 7778
全文下载次数: 1472
      Objective: To explore the method to implement the consistency evaluation of drugs to make sure that the consistency evaluation really plays the role of improving the quality of generic drugs. Methods: Based on the core concept of quality management, fve aspects of generic drugs including raw materials, producing prescription, technological process, fnal products, and the production line were analyzed to achieve consistency of process control between generic drugs and original drugs. Results: China should comprehensively improve the quality of generic drugs and carry out the consistency evaluation of generic drugs, which is very important for ensuring the safety, effectiveness and controlled quality of drugs. Conclusion: The safety and effectiveness of drugs have always been a hot issue of public concern. It is not reliable to judge whether the generic drugs are safe or effective only by the dissolution test. GMP concept should be introduced into the consistency evaluation in order to fully guarantee that generic drugs have the same safety and effectiveness as original drugs.
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