Research Ⅴ on the Changes of Sponsors and Production Sites during the ClinicalResearch Phase of Drugs: Research on Risk Assessment and Risk Control ofDiff erent Combinations of Sponsors and Production Sites
中文关键词: 药物临床试验  申办者  生产场地  风险评估  风险控制
英文关键词: drug clinical trial  sponsor  production site  risk assessment  risk control
于冰 中国外商投资企业协会药品研制和开发工作委员会北京 100020 
杨建红 国家药品监督管理局药品审评中心北京 100076 
王方敏 上海市药品和医疗器械不良反应监测中心上海 200040 
吴正宇 诺和诺德(上海)医药贸易有限公司上海 200131 
陈江鹏 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院北京 100055 
陈园 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院北京 100055 
陈震 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院北京 100055 郑州大学药学院郑州 450001 
张象麟 沈阳药科大学亦弘商学院北京 100055 
摘要点击次数: 639
全文下载次数: 361
      Objective: To conduct risk assessment and risk control research on different combinations of domestic and overseas sponsors and clinical trial drug production sites during the clinical trial phase of new drugs,and in order to provide reference for further improving the cross-border management of sponsors and productionsites during the clinical trial phase in China. Methods: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Risk PriorityNumber were used to identify, analyze, and assess the risks of diff erent combinations of domestic and overseassponsors and production sites. Results and Conclusion: During the clinical trial phase of new drugs, "the sponsoris in China while the production site is overseas (for global supply)" and "the sponsor is overseas while theproduction site is in China" are two low-risk cross-border situations, and potential risks can be controlled throughappropriate measures. It is recommended to prioritize the registration path for these two cross-border situations.
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